Gifts of Securities

International Fellowship of Christians & Jews, Inc. | Gifts of Securities

(C) 2022 IFCJ

Giving securities is one of the most effective ways to give from a tax planning perspective. Giving publicly traded securities to International Fellowship of Christians & Jews, Inc. that were purchased over a year ago and have increased in value can be an especially attractive way to fund a donation. A donor may benefit from a charitable deduction equal to the value of the securities. In addition to the tax deduction, capital gains tax is not due on gain in the donated securities.

Information for Electronic Stock Transfer to
International Fellowship of Christians & Jews, Inc. 


DTC# 0226
Tax ID# 36-3256096
Broker Address Muriel Siebert & Co., Inc.
885 Third Avenue, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10022-4802
Broker Telephone (800) 872-0444

Please contact us via mail, email or telephone regarding the purpose of the gift when the transfer is made. If you have any questions, please contact Joyce Logan at (888) 588-4325. If sending email, please use the Contact Us link on the navigation menu.

Thank you for your support of International Fellowship of Christians & Jews, Inc..